Large Firm Service. Small Firm Attention.

Littman Krooks at 20


By Bernard A. Krooks

February 19, 2010 – This year marks the 20th anniversary of Littman Krooks LLP. A great deal has changed since 1990.  At that time, “elder law” was a relatively new term and most people had never heard of autism. 

During the past two decades, we have closely observed the evolving needs of clients and have become activists on behalf of seniors, people with special needs and, most recently, veterans.  Our proficiency in estate and special needs planning, government benefits, taxation and special education advocacy has enabled us to improve the quality of life for thousands of individuals.  We are grateful for their trust and proud to have been of service.

Together, we have prepared for the unknowable course of life’s last decades, planning for contingencies, documenting choices, and seeking to reduce family conflict, stress, and misunderstanding. 

Alongside parents and siblings, we have facilitated lives of dignity and independence for individuals with special needs.  A number of us have loved ones with special needs, so our personal insights and experiences have inspired our work on behalf of others. We have advocated for children with disabilities in the classroom and beyond.

Our commitment has extended far beyond our offices, courtrooms, and school district meeting rooms.  We are leaders in organizations that are forging social change–the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys (NAELA) and the Special Needs Alliance.  In addition, our attorneys have made significant commitments to local organizations that are dedicated to the causes that mean so much to our clients-and to us.

We are proud, too, that the work we love has led to our being named “Super Lawyers” and “Best Lawyers in America” by our peers.  Proud because that recognition demonstrates an understanding and appreciation of the values that we share with clients. This, our 20th anniversary, is a moment to pause and to recognize how far we have all come together.