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Special Education Advocacy

New York education advocacy
Special Education Advocacy

2024 Back to School Checklist

By Arshi Pal, Esq. The start of the new school year can be a bittersweet time for parents and students. Many will be excited for the new opportunities and lessons during the school year, whereas others may be sad to wave summer break goodbye. As children soak up the last few days of summer, parents…

Grade School Class with Laptop Technology
Special Education Advocacy

New York State Graduation Requirements, Change is on the Horizon

By Arshi Pal, Esq. While New York currently offers students with disabilities a significant amount of flexibility, including safety net options, to achieve a local diploma, there are still many inequities. For example, if a school district designates a student as eligible for alternate assessments due to severe cognitive disabilities, the student can only receive…

Here are some of the common myths that OSEP dispels in its recent Guidance on AT and the importance for all students.
Special Education Advocacy

Recent Federal Guidance Dispels Myths on Assistive Technology for Students with Disabilities

by Marion M. Walsh Assistive Technology can be important for all individuals with disabilities. This January, the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) released important guidance on the importance of assistive technology (AT) devices and services for students’ meaningful access and engagement in education. AT means any item, piece of equipment,…

Special Education Advocacy

New York Supreme Court Overturns NYSED Decision Granting Special Education Eligibility until 22

By Marion M. Walsh, Esq. Last month, a New York state court ruled that students with disabilities in New York are not legally entitled to extended eligibility until age 22 under state law. This decision has created confusion as it goes against a July 2023 formal opinion from the Office of Counsel of New York…

The New York State Education Department provided an opinion this summer on extending eligibility for students with disabilities until age 22.
Special Education Advocacy

NYSED Issues Opinion that Students with Disabilities Should Receive Services Until 22

By Marion M. Walsh, Esq. The New York State Education Department provided an opinion this summer on extending eligibility for students with disabilities until age 22. NYSED has finally acknowledged that a 2021 Second Circuit decision, A.R. v. Connecticut Board of Education, requires that public schools in New York provide special education and related services…

Here is some steps to take if you believe your child is facing bullying or harassment.
Special Education Advocacy

Steps to take if Your Child Faces Bullying or Harassment in School

By Marion M. Walsh As the new school year begins, parents must be vigilant to report and advocate against any bullying of their child. Student bullying and harassment can be a health risk to students and can impact their education. Bullying has increased in the past years and can have devastating and tragic consequences. For…

Filing for an impartial hearing against the NYCDOE can be overwhelming for parents.
Special Education Advocacy

The NYCDOE Ordered To Make Changes To Its Implementation Of Impartial Hearing Decisions

By: Arshi Pal, Esq. When a school district fails to provide a Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) to students with disabilities, parents can file a request for an impartial hearing. Through the hearing, the parents can seek a variety of remedies, including but not limited to; tuition reimbursement, compensatory education, compensatory related services, assistive technology…

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) protects the rights of students with disabilities and requires the appropriate local agencies to identify, evaluate and refer children suspected of having a disability to determine eligibility for services. The IDEA protects students up to age 21 and in some cases, older.
Guide to Being a Parent of a Special Needs Child

What Parents Need to Know about the Special Education Process: 5 to 21

By Marion M. Walsh, Esq. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) protects the rights of students with disabilities and requires the appropriate local agencies to identify, evaluate and refer children suspected of having a disability to determine eligibility for services. The IDEA protects students up to age 21 and in some cases, older. Transition to Committee…

Here is a basic roadmap, in general for ages birth to 5, on the special education process.
Guide to Being a Parent of a Special Needs Child

What Parents Need to Know about the Special Education Process for Young Children: Birth to 5

By Marion M. Walsh, Esq. When parents suspect that their child may have a disability, the process can be daunting and filled with many emotions. Some parents learn that their child has a disability at or near birth. Others suspect a disability when their child does not meet early developmental milestones. If you or a…

Special Education Advocacy

Preparing for Back to School for Your Child with Special Needs in Challenging Times

by Marion M. Walsh, Esq. Preparing for back to school in September always brings hope and a sense of expectation for both students and parents.  For the 2022-2023 school year, this remains true.  However, it has been a difficult two years for students, who are still recovering from isolation during the pandemic, the adjustment to…