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Littman Krooks Videos

We take pride in using our knowledge and experience to protect your interests.

Individualized Planning for Individual Needs

It takes careful planning to provide properly for a loved one with a disability. Families with children with special needs have to be aware of financial planning tools like special needs trusts. They also must consider guardianship and transition planning, as well as providing for their loved one in their estate plan.

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Special Needs Planning

Littman Krooks partner Amy C. O'Hara, Esq., discusses the importance of special needs planning. Special needs trusts, also known as supplemental needs trusts, allow you to set aside funds for an individual with a disability, without jeopardizing their eligibility for public benefits.

Importance of Planning for the Future

Littman Krooks founding partner Bernard A. Krooks, J.D., CPA, LLM (in taxation), CELA, AEP® (Distinguished) discusses the important of planning for the future.

Important Considerations for Blended Families

March 9, 2021 | Littman Krooks attorney Laura Brancato, Esq. discusses the impact that a blended family can have upon your estate plan. Are you a client who has remarried or who has children from a prior relationship? This conference will provide vital information to protect against future litigation and

Estate Administration: What To Do When A Loved One Passes Away

March 2, 2021 | The administration of an estate is a complex task that can be overwhelming to anyone, even in the best of times. When dealing with the grief of losing a loved one, it can be difficult to accomplish without guidance from trained professionals. Littman Krooks attorney Brian

Measuring Student Progress During COVID Times

October 23, 2020 | By Littman Krooks attorney Amy Halpert, Esq. Children with disabilities are entitled to a free and appropriate public education during hybrid or remote learning. Decisions regarding special education programming continue to be driven by data, and the importance of collecting, maintaining and analyzing data remains critical

The Basics of An Article 81 Guardianship

September 23, 2020 | Littman Krooks attorney, Stephanie L. Goldstein, Esq., will discuss the basics of Article 81 Guardianship in New York. She will review what you need to know in order to prepare and file a petition and what happens thereafter.

Asset Protection Trusts

September 20, 2020 | Planning with asset protection trusts is more important than ever given new and significant changes to New York State’s long-term care program. Join Littman Krooks partners Bernard A. Krooks, CELA and Amy C. O’Hara, CELA, as they discuss asset protection trusts and long term care planning

Responsibilities of an Executor

October 8, 2020 | A loved one or close friend has appointed you as Executor of their estate. Now what? Joel Krooks, Esq., will discuss the responsibilities you have as Executor during the person’s life and when they pass away. In addition, he will review what you should be thinking

Planning with Revocable Trusts

November 10, 2020 | By Littman Krooks attorney Brian L. Miller, Esq., Littman Krooks LLP | A revocable trust can be a valuable estate planning tool. Importantly, establishing this type of trust helps avoid probate. It can also be amended or revoked, and property can be transferred in or out

Parents’ Guide to IEPs

November 11, 2020 | Littman Krooks attorney Arshi Pal, Esq., will discuss how parents can work with their school district to develop an IEP that appropriately meets the educational needs specific to their child. She will also provide guidance on the essential “do’s and don’ts” to preserve a child’s rights.