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Littman Krooks Articles

Knowledge and insight into issues facing businesses, seniors and their families, and individuals with special needs.


At Littman Krooks LLP, we take pride in applying our comprehensive legal knowledge and experience to the production of informative newsletters and articles. Our corporate and securities law, elder law, estate planning, special needs planning and special education advocacy attorneys are pleased to share their knowledge and insight.

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Health Care Power of Attorney

Preserving Your Memory Magazine, Fall 2013, Page 32 | Edited by Bernard A. Krooks, CELA

The Will and Beyond

Preserving Your Memory Magazine, Page 32, Spring 2013 | Edited by Bernard A. Krooks, CELA

Understanding the New Health Care Law

Preserving Your Memory Magazine, Fall 2012, Page 32 | Edited by Bernard A. Krooks, CELA

To Trust or Not To Trust

By Bernard A. Krooks - When is it more important to use a living trust as opposed to a will? This is a question many clients, and advisors, ask themselves.

Under One Roof

Preserving Your Memory Magazine, Winter 2012, Page 32 | Edited by Bernard A. Krooks, CELA

Independent Educational Evaluation: Know Your Rights

Evaluations are most often conducted by school district personnel, and the law requires that the evaluations be conducted at no cost to the parent. What families may not know is that they also have the right to an independent educational evaluation (IEE) conducted by non-school district examiners.

Protecting the Family Home | by Bernard A. Krooks, Esq., Certified Elder Law Attorney

Third-Party Special Needs Trusts: Peace of Mind for Caregivers | by Bernard A. Krooks, Esq., Certified Elder Law Attorney

You Have the Power: Power of Attorney | By Bernard A. Krooks, Certified Elder Law Attorney